Maskcara Beauty
Ok y’all. This is 199% OUT of my comfort zone. But it is also something I feel passionate about. Places like Instagram, television, Facebook they all tend to show the best and most glamorous of the people portrayed. And that can leave us normal Joes feeling vulnerable and way “less than”. Not every human is born to be drop dead beautiful. We don’t all have the “genes” that it takes to be slim and have amazing skin and hair. Take a long look at the photo on the left. That is me, in natural light and no filter with bare skin. Not a lick of makeup. And on the right, that’s also me. In natural light, no filter but with the most amazing makeup applied that I’ve ever used. Now. I know I’m not a beauty blogger. God and I both know, but ladies, I have something to offer. I am showing you that plain Jane, who usually shows up in Instagram stories with a messy bun and an IG filter does not always look like I just crawled out of bed! I am 47 years old, 50 is coming in fast! I have wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, naturally hooded eyes, miniature eyelashes, uneven skin tone, rosacea, and freckles for days. But, I also have a secret weapon. One that allows me to spend 5-10 minutes to create a younger, more appealing, fresh face! I get lots of questions about my skin care routine, and after all these years I can say, it really doesn’t matter what products you use as long as you cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize…and use a good SPF. The key, especially as you begin to show signs of aging is your makeup.
Let me introduce you to my best friend! I’ve been using this makeup for a year, and I just recently decided to sign on as an artist for @maskcarabeauty Why you ask? Simple. I love it. I am a girly girl and a makeup junkie. I used to swear by the IT cosmetics CC cream, but since I’ve started using maskcara products I haven’t looked back. Well, I take that back. The first few weeks were hard. These are cream products that you apply quite differently than traditional liquid makeup. At first I didn’t think it was going to work for me, but I kept working with it and learning new techniques and one day, I decided to try that CC cream…oh heck no! I actually removed the makeup, washed my face and applied my Maskcara. It’s that good. It sits so beautifully on the skin. It doesn’t settle into the fine lines and wrinkles and it’s actually hydrating for my skin. I just can’t believe how much I love this product. I’m truly not a salesman, I’m not a beauty guru, I’m just a middle aged woman who wants to look my very best, and this my friends, is my answer. If you are interested in learning more you can visit my Instagram the link is above or shoot me an email and I will do what I can to help you start your journey with this amazing makeup.
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