Have you ever canned green beans? It is so much easier that you can imagine, and the time and effort will pay out a great reward when you open a jar of summer goodness on a cold winter evening. So, do you want to know how easy it is? I’m going to share my method with you.

So here it is, not a recipe, not all the technical data, just the basics. What it takes to can some green beans.

What you need:

  1. Fresh picked green beans
  2. Canning jars, lids, rings
  3. Canning salt
  4. Pressure canner & Canning tongs
  5. Water

That’s it, all you need is listed right there. You can choose the size of jar you wish, but for green beans I prefer quart size jars.

The steps:

  1. Pick beans
  2. Clean beans and prepare for canning (I remove ends, strings and break beans)
  3. Bring a pot of water to a boil
  4. Clean jars & rings with hot soapy water
  5. Put lids in a pot of simmering water
  6. Put 1/2 tsp canning salt into each pint size jar or 1 tsp canning salt into each quart size jar
  7. Pack green beans into jars leaving 1″ headspace
  8. Pour boiling water into jars full of beans leaving 1″ headspace
  9. Place lids and rings to finger tight (don’t overtighten)
  10. Place in canner and secure lid. (you need water to come up about 2″ on side of jars)
  11. Bring pressure to 10#
  12. Process for 20 minutes at 10# for pint size jars
  13. Process for 25 minutes at 10# for quart size jars
  14. Remove from heat at end of processing time. Allow to reduce naturally to 0# of pressure
  15. Remove lid and use canning tongs to remove jars to a dry towel on the counter. Let set for 24 hours before removing rings, wiping down jars and placing in pantry.
  16. Be sure to check for a good seal (should be able to lift jar by lid without it coming loose or moving.

That’s it ya’ll! So easy anyone can do it!! I hope you will give canning green beans a try! There is so much good info out there if you need more in depth info or have other questions that need answered, but this is how it was told to me and this is how I do it. One of my favorite sites to visit for canning info is Jill at THE PRAIRIE HOMESTEAD

Thanks for stopping by, friend!
