Things That Bring Me Joy

Happy September 1! I can’t believe how quickly this year is slipping away, and what a crazy year it has been. Did you know that today is my birthday? When I was a child, we hadn’t started school yet when my birthday rolled around, we used to wait until after labor day to start school. But I have to say, this is a fantastic time of year to celebrate your birthday! It’s starting to feel like autumn is coming, but yet it still feels like the end of summer; it is a glorious time of the year. The changing seasons are so fun to watch as they come about. I always feel like I come to life during this last quarter of the year, I don’t know why that is, but I love it! I feel energized and ready to tackle projects, I feel like getting out of the house and getting things done! I have to admit, that’s a great feeling.

So on this fine day, I just want to wish you all a wonderful year, I hope you have blessings atop blessings! I also hope you will enjoy the change of the seasons and welcome Autumn with open arms, and enjoy every minute of God’s creation.

I want to share a few things that bring me joy! My daughter came and did a little photo shoot of me, so here are some of my favorite things at home!

Canning. This is something new for me, but I do enjoy it so much! I find great joy in looking at these jars of beautiful canned foods. This year, I canned tomatoes, salsa, spaghetti sauce, dill pickles, spicy pickles, sweet relish, hot relish, banana peppers, jalapenos, cowboy candy, habanero jam, peach jalapeno jam, peach jam, carrot cake jam, cherry pie filling, corn, & green beans. I think that’s it, for now! As the last of my tomatoes ripen, I will be making some spicy tomato & vegetable juice, my husbands favorite. I would also like to find some grapes and make some juice and jelly. We shall see!

Gardening. This goes hand in hand with canning, but ya’ll, I never thought I would be a fan of gardening because I don’t like to be dirty, but I do love it. Maybe because my husband and I do it together or because I love to see the magic in God’s creation and it fascinates me! There is a joy that comes from working in your own garden and bringing forth your own food. It’s amazing.

This year, we planted onions, tomatoes, lettuce, banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, green peppers, hot chili peppers, green beans, peas, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon & pumpkins. There is still some harvest to come as we move closer to autumn.

Making my house a home. I love to make our house a place for all of our family to gather. Cooking, baking, cleaning, decorating, hosting, laughing with my husband in the kitchen, these are all things I love to do every day! I find joy in homemaking, this is something that I wanted for myself even as a child. A home, a husband, children, and pets. I’ve always wanted to have these things in my life.

Did I say pets! Yes, you know I did. I am an animal lover at the very center of my being. We all know there are dog people and cat people, and while I love cats and think they are beautiful creatures, I am most definitely a dog person. I’ve had a whole pack of dogs throughout my life. My first dog was a Basset Hound that I don’t remember, I think his name was Pokey. The first dog to capture my heart and cement me forever as a dog person was a mutt from the pound. She was a mix of some sort, maybe Beagle, Pug, Bulldog, and her name was PeeWee. She was my shadow. Then there was a Pekingese named Mr. T, we called him T-Bird; a Cocker Spaniel named Brady, he was our first dog we got after we married, he was an amazing dog. Joey was a Boxer and he had the laid back, goofy demeanor of Scooby Doo! He was amazing, and a gentle giant for sure. Clementine, our blue French Bulldog, she is the only female we’ve had, and she is my girl 100%, but boy oh boy, she is territorial and a boss, not like any of our boys. Bodhi is an Australian Sheppard & Border Collie mix, he’s smart but he’s rambunctious. He needs to be outside, not inside! He is my husbands favorite dog, by the way, if you ever want a dog like this, take note that they shed terribly. Cooper, another Blue French Bulldog. Ya’ll, Frenchies have my heart, and the blue color, my very favorite! Coop is our little baby boy, he’s also a big pain! He barks a lot and has been the most difficult to potty train, but he is also a snuggler and I love it!

The Lord. I find joy daily in God’s grace and mercy. I am so thankful that he has allowed me to take in this world that he created and I am able to enjoy it while praising God for his blessings!

The last thing to share for today, my chickens. I find so much joy in the chickens! I would’ve never dreamed it, ever! I love being a chicken mom! It is so much fun to have these creatures who depend on me, and also reward me with delicious & beautiful eggs!

Life is so good friends! If you do nothing else, I hope you will find time to see the beauty, find the joy and reap the blessings of this beautiful life we’ve each been given.


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