

Guess what my momma says she misses every fall? Cinnamon candy apples it would be. She says they are nostalgic for her and she doesn’t like the cherry candy apples, she wants cinnamon, just like when she was a kid. I suppose that leads us to where I am today, figuring out how to make cinnamon candy apples.

I found a lot of directions for candy apples, but couldn’t find cinnamon. I was certain that red hots would give that flavor, but they are so hard to find. I finally found them on Amazon, but I had to buy a case, yes

12 boxes. So here’s the recipe I finally came up with.

6 Honey Crisp Apples & sticks

1/4 cup red hot cinnamon candies

1 cup light corn syrup

3 cups sugar

1 tsp red food coloring

I prepped my apples by washing them well, rinsing in vinegar water. I then sliced apples into wedges (I used one of these fun devices) and I put them into a lemon water soak for a few minutes then I dried the apples well and put the sticks in then I put them in the fridge to keep them cold while I prepped the candy. Now, don’t let them set for too long or they will begin to brown.

In a tall pot, I put red hots, corn syrup, sugar and food coloring. Over medium heat, stir mixture until the sugar melts and candy thermometer reads 300 degrees. At this point, remove from heat and get apples from fridge. I put parchment paper on the counter and dipped the cold apples into the candy. Move fast, as the candle cools it doesn’t stick to the apples as well. I placed the dipped apples on the parchment and left them to harden. Once hardened, place in airtight container and store in fridge for 2-3 days. I wouldn’t try to store these for very long.

Mom said they are delicious and she totally approves, and they are a beautiful color of red. They would make a great Christmas treat as well. Enjoy!


After making these candy apples and seeing how things hold up, I am changing my recommendation to freeze the apples prior to coating. They do not handle the thawing process well and become very watery. In my next candy apple making session, I will be using small apples and keeping them whole. My mom said that’s how they were done when she was a kid, and you had to break the apple apart to eat it. Live and learn!