RECIPES,  Weight Watchers


Do you like egg salad? I think it is a much overlooked delicacy. I’ve had a lot of folks let me know that I make some good egg salad, and today, I’m sharing that goodness with you. It really is fresh, delicious and easy to make and the best part, most of these items are probably in your kitchen as we speak.

What do you need to make egg salad? The list isn’t long, you’ll need

-boiled eggs

-light mayonnaise (I prefer Hellman’s or Duke)

-dijon or yellow mustard (the choice is up to you, I tend to lean towards yellow)


-salt & pepper

That’s it! If you have these ingredients, you have egg salad waiting in the wings for you!

How do you make egg salad. Believe it or not, you don’t have to be a chef to whip up a yummy bowl of egg salad. You can make egg salad for one or for a whole crew, the amount is up to you. Heres what you do…

You should start with boiling your eggs. Have you ever made boiled eggs and when you opened them, you found the insides to be a not so appetizing green/gray color? This is due to overcooking, and it can happen easily. I will share with you my fool proof method for boiling eggs so you don’t come up with unappetizing eggs. I am sharing this recipe as 2 servings, so I will keep measurements and such to a serving of 2.

Begin with a small pot that has a lid, put your cold eggs in the pot and cover with cold water, just enough to cover the eggs. Put the lid on and set on high heat on the stove. Listen closely for the water to come to a boil, when you hear the rolling in the pan, turn the burner off and remove from the heat source. DO NOT LIFT THE LID) allow to set for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, drain the water and put the eggs into cold water. Peel.

Once your eggs are peeled, you can dice them up, I use my food chopper and it makes things so easy, and it also makes for some beautiful egg salad. When you’ve chopped all the eggs, dump all the eggs into a medium bowl. Egg salad for 2 will require 4 boiled eggs, chopped. To your bowl of eggs add 2-3 Tbsp light mayo (I start with 2 and add more if needed when mixing), 1 teaspoon mustard of choice, salt and pepper to taste and 2 tsp dry dill. Mix gently to combine.

Serving egg salad is very versatile. Some of my favorite ways to serve are on bread, on toast, on a croissant or with crackers. You can also just eat it from the bowl, that’s super good as well.

If you have never given egg salad a try, I suggest you give it a go! Its a lot like a deviled egg in a bowl or on bread, and it is amazing. Enjoy friends!