• RECIPES,  Weight Watchers


    One of my favorite memories as a child was my Granny frying up a mess of bacon, slicing some fresh, garden tomatoes and tearing off some crisp leaves of garden lettuce to make a delicious BLT sandwich. It’s a classic, and delicious on every level! My garden has been giving tomatoes like candy at a parade this summer, and I can’t say that I’m sad about it. All the Celebrity and Roma’s are in the freezer waiting for me to have time to make pasta sauce and tomato juice, but the Beefsteak tomatoes are an “eat now if you can” sort and I’m not letting them go to waste. I…

  • RECIPES,  Weight Watchers


    This may be the tastiest chicken sandwich i’ve ever made. It is a little bit higher in points that I like to spend on a sandwich, but it was so good and really hit the spot. I’ve seen the “fake out” McChicken sandwiches all over the internet, but I wanted to put a little twist on it. My hubby is a fan of all things spicy so I decided to make a “spicy” buffalo chicken sandwich, and it did not disapoint! Here’s what you’ll need: ground chicken, panko crumbs, plain bread crumbs, Shake n’ Bake Buffalo, egg, mustard, salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder. I mixed all the measured…

  • RECIPES,  Weight Watchers


    Can we say yum? These little mini muffins are a treat for the sweet tooth and make a wonderful desert. One serving is 1 WW point, that would be one regular size muffin or 3 mini’s! I like to eat mine with some fat free Redi-wip, it sure hits the spot! This is not my recipe, but I’ve lost the name of the creator. The original calls for baking in a regular size tin, I prefer the mini. I did take these little babies and dress them up for the 4th of July holiday! A little redi-wip and a blueberry on top for the blue and a raspberry on top…

  • RECIPES,  Weight Watchers


    Do you love a good Asian inspired meal? When we go to our local Main Moon Chinese Restaurant one of my favorite meals to order is the Pepper Steak. Tender steak with onions, green pepper, and rich brown sauce served over warm rice, that is delicious! Here is my own version that can be made quick and easy and for a lot less calories. I started with a green bell pepper from my garden and a medium onion, I chose a sweet onion. I sliced them up and sauteed them in a skillet with a bit of EVOO spray and some water. I spray my pan with the EVOO and…

  • Lifestyle,  Weight Watchers


    You can participate in family cook out events and maintain your healthy changes with WW! The kids were over and we decided to cook burgers and hot dogs, and you know good and well that a menu like that is not low fat or low calorie. Here are the changes I made to eat alongside my family! Item #1: The Burger. I had the same beef burger patty that everyone else had. It’s a 95% lean ground beef patty (4 points for 4 oz) seasoned with Montreal Steak Seasoning (0 points) and grilled to a delicious medium-well. I housed my burger in a Lewis Keto bun (2 points) and dressed…

  • RECIPES,  Uncategorized


    That summertime garden is beginning to fill the kitchen with her bounty! It’s time to start working on storing that harvest in easy & delicious ways! When I was a child, my Granny always made freezer slaw. I remember the look of it, and the smell of the kitchen when she was making it, but I was too young to understand what she was doing or to ask for a recipe. All these years later, I’ve been looking to make some freezer slaw like she made. My sister-in-law shared this recipe with me that she got from her Aunt Edna, and I’m happy to report that it tastes just like…

  • Uncategorized

    Maddie Greathouse’s Carmel Corn

    This recipe came from my Granny, she used to make it for every holiday. I remember there wasn’t a time during the holiday season that she didn’t have a canister of carmel corn in her kitchen. It was usually glass and full of that beautiful golden brown carmel corn. When I asked her to teach me how to make it, she told me she had gotten the recipe “years ago” from a woman in her ladies Bible study at church, her name was Maddie (pronounced mad-dee). This treat has been around as long as I can remember and it is a favorite of our family, I’m delighted to share it…

  • Uncategorized


    Guess what my momma says she misses every fall? Cinnamon candy apples it would be. She says they are nostalgic for her and she doesn’t like the cherry candy apples, she wants cinnamon, just like when she was a kid. I suppose that leads us to where I am today, figuring out how to make cinnamon candy apples. I found a lot of directions for candy apples, but couldn’t find cinnamon. I was certain that red hots would give that flavor, but they are so hard to find. I finally found them on Amazon, but I had to buy a case, yes 12 boxes. So here’s the recipe I finally…

  • Holiday,  HOME,  Misc

    Fall Movie Fun

    Hey! What are you doing? We’ve been on a camping adventure this week and it has been so cold, so we’ve been inside in the evenings watching movies! As with all our camping trips, we went to WalMart (not sponsored) to get groceries and I raided the $5 movie bin and found some of our favorites! This inspired me to put together a countdown list leading up to Halloween! My list is for the last 10 days of October and I made one for adults and one that is kid friendly, and if you are anything like me, you can mix and match or choose from both lists because, lets…



    This is an amazing summer garden salad. When all the lovely vegetables start coming, this salad is quick and easy to pull together and is crisp and refreshing. On very hot summer evenings, this salad makes a perfect meal on its own, light and filling.